100k for 100years day 2

Update on the 100km for 100 years fundraising

Update on the 100km for 100 years fundraising

16 May 2021

  • Greater Manchester ACF

SSI Debbie Callaghan, County PRO Greater Manchester ACF

After more than 28 hours of walking, with only breaks for food and water, a member of the team has had to withdraw as the pain in her feet had become to much to bear. Great work for giving your all Ak. You are amazing!

SI Sean Crompton said “We are all in severe pain and doing what we can to see it through, blisters, tiredness and just absolute exhaustion but we have a job to do and do it we will”.

They have been met along the way by other members of Greater Manchester ACF who have arrived with hot drinks and treats. All giving their time and bringing smiles to the staff who are walking. That is what great friends do.

Thanks to Capt Wayne Harrison, Lt Jordan Battye, SMI Matt Hilton, SI Chloe Sypula and close friend Danny for your support.

#KeepTheFlameAlive #GmanACFforceforgood #VirtualACF #gmacftogetherasone #LifeLongLearning