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Queens Platinum Jubilee Medal Awards

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal was designed to thank those awarded it for their public service.

Queens Platinum Jubilee Medal Awards

26 July 2022

  • Argyll And Sutherland Highlanders Battalion ACF

It was a proud moment at Strensall Barracks for some of our CFAVs yesterday as they received their Queens Platinum Jubilee Medal from Col G Rae (Commandant 2nd Bn The Highlanders).

Medals where awarded as follows.

  • SI Zoe Green
  • Capt Barry Stevenson
  • Lt Fay Whay
  • Major Derek Smith
  • Major Shirley Blair
  • RSMI Craig Smith
  • Major David Sinclair
  • Major Martin Roach

Thank you to our CFAVs for the hard work they put in every year.