Padre Andrew White

Padre White's Thought for the Week

On the Commonwealth

Padre White's Thought for the Week

12 March 2021

  • Greater London South East Sector ACF

This week has seen the Celebration of The Commonwealth. This is a group of countries who mainly belonged to the British Empire once upon a time and, although they now govern themselves, have chosen to work together. It is interesting where cultures, though different, can mix together and ultimately seek to produce something better for all. This, with a history that was not all good.

Great Britain is an amazing mix of people coming from different cultures, backgrounds and lifestyles. I am proud that half of my family is Irish and Traveller (actually Circus folk) and the other is Viking!

So here’s my challenge - think of what makes you ‘you’. Reflect that we are all different, all have amazing backgrounds that have traditions and lifestyles. Celebrate that we can recognise differences but can seek to be mixed together, that Britain might be richer for the future.

Padre Andrew White