In advance of International Women’s Day we speak to some of our female Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAV’s) across the county.
Profile on: Kate Westall, County Training Sergeant Major/Adult Lead
What motivated you to join the Army Cadets as a female volunteer, and how has your experience been so far?
As a Cadet in the 90's we didn't have many female adults in my Company to look up to for inspiration. When I met Captain Penny Pellett on my 3* Cadre she was a force to be reckoned with. She encouraged me to believe in myself and gave me the courage that I still have today.
I joined as a volunteer because I loved my time as a Cadet and the lack of female adults meant I was doing the job of one as a senior Cadet. I didn't want that for the next generation.
It was hard as a female instructor when I joined 24 years ago, I was overlooked because I was young and female. Once I had some qualifications under my belt, it got a bit easier, but I was constantly having to prove that I was "As good as any and better than most".
Can you share a memorable moment or achievement you've had while serving as an adult volunteer in the Army Cadets?
I took Kent's B team to a Divisional Skills competition in 2008, all male team so I needed a male instructor to accompany us. My husband agreed to come as 'male' cover and our minibus driver. On the Saturday night they called out what position each team was in, we were in 1st place, beating the A team. When the Cadets were all out on their night Nav some of the male team adults said to my husband "Your team is doing so well, you must have trained them hard" Danny replied to them "Not my team, speak to my wife, she's the one who trained them, I'm just the driver". The look on their faces was priceless, needless to say they didn't come tell me that. We came 2nd out of the ACF and 2nd overall. I was so proud of the Cadets, one of the best weekends I've ever been on, and we beat the A team! #TeamWestall