Thanks to a partnership with the Veterans Foundation, Humberside & South Yorkshire Army Cadet Force (“HSY”) have been able to establish the HSY Veterans Education Fund to support Army Cadet Force Adult Volunteers who are also veterans.
If you are a Army Cadet Force Adult Volunteer (“CFAV”) in HSY, or other 4X Army Cadet Force County, you may be eligible for funding, at either 50% or 100%, towards the cost of attaining a level 5, 6 or 7 qualification with the Cadet Vocational College, formerly CVQO.
Employers and the ACF alike place significant value on the qualifications that are attained in the military. However, for a variety or reasons it is possible that the service leaver has not, or was unable, to get the necessary qualifications required to get into their desired career. 30% of CFAV’s are also veterans and together they are a microcosm of the veteran community as a whole. In addition to the holistic personal benefits grained from volunteering, service leavers who have become CFAVs mention the positive impact of rejoining a team environment that maintains Regimental affiliation, but without any reserve liability, and how being able to put their many military skills and qualifications to good use enhances their self worth. In some cases, helping overcome social isolation or other service related conditions.
With this Education Fund, HSY and 4X CFAVs who are also Veterans have an opportunity to obtain a new degree level qualification.
The founder of the Veterans Foundation, Major General David Shaw CBE describes what the Veterans Foundation does: “The Veterans' Foundation has been set up to help fund charities and other charitable organisations that are helping serving and former members of the Armed Forces, and their dependants, who are in need.”
“The Veterans' Foundation raises its money through the Veterans’ Lottery and donations. Since inception in July 2016, it has given over £17 million through over 800 grants to over 400 unique organisations, many of them small to medium-sized and very worthwhile charities, which are helping members of the Armed Forces community who are in need. Forecasts indicate the Veterans’ Foundation will make grants totalling £5 million this financial year. The charities and other organisations we have helped include those tackling the challenges of mental and physical injuries, homelessness, unemployment, children’s loss of parents while serving and remembrance. We encourage you to spread the word.”
Colonel Simon Banks-Cooper, Honorary Colonel of HSY said, “I am delighted that HSY has established this fund with the support of the Veterans Foundation, which I am sure will prove to be extremely beneficial to eligible CFAVs within the 4X ACF Counties. I hope also that it will encourage more service leavers to join the ACF and continue their journey of employer relevant personal development.”
If you would be interested in applying for funds, please see the accompanying Terms & Conditions available to download below.