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New Padre getting into the swing

Clwyd and Gwynedd recently welcomed Padre Toby Jones to the ACF.

New Padre getting into the swing

26 October 2021

  • Clwyd And Gwynedd ACF

Clwyd and Gwynedd recently welcomed a new Padre to the ACF Toby Jones. Padre Toby, who only recently completed his induction programme with the Royal Army Chaplains Department, has taken the opportunity of Autumn Camp to see how the cadets operate on the ground getting first-hand experience with navigation, fieldcraft, and an expedition. Today he gained an insight into the role of the Quartermasters Department including a trip with the Sustainers at lunchtime.

Padre Toby said, “it is really good to chat with the cadets and adults and to see what activities they are doing; I even got into the spirit of the field exercise with D Company complete with cam cream an enjoyable experience.”

Padre Toby Jones chatting to cadets