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Lord Lieutenants Cadet joined The Queens Jubilee Platinum…

As part of the Festival of Suffolk, our very own Lord Lieutenant's Cadet Cdt Sgt Dominic Smith

Lord Lieutenants Cadet joined The Queens Jubilee Platinum Relay

23 May 2022

  • Suffolk ACF
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  • DSB
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As part of the Festival of Suffolk, our very own Lord Lieutenant's Cadet Cdt Sgt Dominic Smith joined the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Suffolk Torch Relay, for his leg of its journey across the County toward its final destination at the Suffolk Show Pagent on the 1st June, where it will be presented to our Lord Lieutenant Lady Euston. At the end of his leg, Cdt Sgt Smith had a cheering reception from members of his local community including children from the local preschool.Congratulations to Cdt Sgt Smith who was nominated as a Local Hero by the Parish Council of Chedburgh.