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Exercise Open Up

We spoke to the Staff Officer of C Company about the recent deployment of their cadets into the field for their 48 hours in Colchester.

Exercise Open Up

3 August 2021

  • Essex ACF
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Almost 60 cadets and 20 CFAV from C Company have just returned from the field phase of training of annual camp. They formed 2 platoons and further split into sections with call-signs such as Dragons, Bengals, Lions and Sphinx.

The platoons set up 2 harbour areas and orders were passed through the chain of command.

The fictional battle scenario ran as:

The fictional principality of Mersia has become belligerent towards to the UK Government. Mersia, although only small has started deploying well armed and well trained troops to its UK boarder, across the Mersey river. UK intelligence reported that recce parties have crossed the boarders and were looking for routes to allow enemy forces to move an armoured column into the UK via Essex.

Initially our cadets were tasked with setting recce patrols to confirm this intelligence and over the course of the 48 hours our cadets built a battle appreciation. It soon became apparent that the Mersian forces planned to strike against the UK and it became the job of our cadets to set up a counter insurgent blockade.

They did this with probing fighting patrols and eventually a large scale ambush. The cadets of C Company were able to send the Mersian forces north, back over the water to their own land. In doing this they stopped the soldiers from Mersia in their attempts to set up a FOB and to gain a foothold in the UK countryside. Communications were a key part of the exercise for our cadets and radios were used to great effect in the field.

The weather was against our cadets as horrendous rain fell, but all our cadets stayed out for the duration of the exercise. In some cases the weather was so bad that recce reports found flood waters from the river and a number of planned patrols had to be diverted. The resilient cadets had set up good bashas and managed to maintain good spirits overnight. The cadets worked hard and the Training Officer was “very proud of the troops, it was a tough 2 days”

While the cadets were getting a through debrief in the field, the Commandant came out to visit the company. Whilst the Colonel was there, she made two presentations of her coveted Commandant's Coin. One to Cadet RSM Chambers and one to former Cadet, now serving Signals L/Cpl Songhurst. Both of whom she praised for their commitment to the ACF. She also promoted SSI Carter to the Rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

The cadets of C Company still have lots to look forward to at camp with a range package, some adventure training, fishing and even bomb disposal training yet to come over the next couple of days.