The idea of getting the Company involved in a project like this, came about after the Company Training Officer, Captain Vicki Brooks watched and Age UK advert on television about Age UK and how lonely older people are not being able to go out to social activities they relied on. She contacted Age UK, who liked the idea, and put Capt. Brooks in touch with the regional office for the Company footprint.
Following a few conversations with Age UK Lindsey, the project was ago. E Company have started off the communication project, with 20 Cadets and CFAV writing the first letters, introducing themselves to their potential pen pals.
Capt. Brooks said: “I like to get the cadets and CFAV involved in community minded projects, and I think in the current climate, letters for the lonely project are a great way to link our generations, while we can’t go out. We have several other opportunities for Cadet in the Community events with Age UK off the back of this project.”
She went onto say “I have been amazed by the cadets who have taken part in this project so far, their letters have both made me smile and laugh out loud. I hope they do the same for their recipients and helps them see they are not on their own.”
The letters sent, will be matched with the people signed up with Age UK, and then the correspondence will continue between the two organisations for the rest of the year, with the opportunity to expand out to over members of Humberside and South Yorkshire as the pilot picks up momentum.
Officer Commanding E Company, Major Clare Kirk said: “I was absolutely thrilled to get on board with this project, Captain Brooks has a wonderful heart and is inspirational to both the Cadets and CFAV of the company. It’s a wonderful gesture and offers the vulnerable members of our community the opportunity to interact with people they otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to engage with. Apart from benefits in terms of undertaking Cadet in the Community activities, despite lockdown, I hope it will provide some comfort to our lonelier and more isolated residents within the Age UK Lindsey region.”