Wigan Detachment

Coronation Parade at Wigan Detachment Honouring The King's…

Coronation Parade at Wigan Detachment Honouring The King's Coronation

25 July 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

By SI Amy Charnock, Wigan Detachment, No 5 (Anzio) Company

SI Charnock and SI Day took great pride in organising a Coronation Parade over several weeks. We invited special guests and sorted all the day's activities and made sure that Wigan detachments got to take part in a very special event to mark The King's Coronation.

On Thursday 13th July we held a Coronation Parade at Wigan Detachment to celebrate The King's Coronation. We had a family day which was great fun. We welcomed special guests which included RSMI Dougie Craddock, our Company Commander Major Chris Townson, Training Officer Capt Dave Lindsay, CSMI Jose Townson and the Mayor of Wigan, Cllr Kevin Anderson and Mayoress of Wigan, Samantha Lloyd with their Cadet of the Year from St Johns Ambulance.

The cadets took pride doing a full parade with the detachment standards. A Standard Bearer from the British Legion also joined us. The Army Reserves (QOY) took part and brought out their vehicles to show to the cadets and families. We had stands with fieldcraft examples, showing what we eat and sleep in on camps, navigation, and cadets showing off their first aid skills.

We provided a buffet and refreshments for the cadets, their families, and our guests.

Before the end of the evening the cadets were presented with pin badges, making them part of something special whilst in cadets. The cadets shone with pride as they received their pin. They absolutely deserve a huge congratulations for the tremendous efforts they have put in as cadets and for taking great pride in wearing their uniform and being part of Greater Manchester Army Cadets.

Thank you to our guests for making our event very special and well done to all the cadets from ourselves as staff and families. You should all be so proud.

For more pictures on the day please click here

#GmanACFforceforgood #goingfurther #inspiretoachieve

Wigan Detachment


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