Clifton Detachment

Clifton Detachment Open Evening: Cadets Explore 127 Company

(REME), and Honour Fallen Soldiers in Bench Dedication

Clifton Detachment Open Evening: Cadets Explore 127 Company

16 November 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

SMI Debbie Callaghan, County Media Officer

A recent open evening was held at Clifton Detachment, No 4 (Korea) Company, to showcase the work of 127 Company, Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME), to cadets.

Clifton Detachment is located at the Army Reserve Centre in Clifton, the event served as a valuable opportunity for cadets to meet the soldiers and find out about the activities of 127 Company. This engagement provided insights into the company's work, the various trades offering qualifications, and a glimpse into the regiment's history.

Soldiers from 127 Company welcomed attendees, which included parents and former cadets. The evening allowed participants to find out about tanks, stores, weapons and advanced medical training aids. The event concluded with a delicious cheese and onion pie prepared by the chef.

Additionally, SSI Adele Waring attended a dedication ceremony for a bench honouring two local fallen REME soldiers. SSI Waring represented Greater Manchester ACF during the event, while others present represented REME, including representatives from the association.

Thank you to SSI Waring for the pictures.

For more pictures, please click here

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Clifton Detachment