Cadet RSM Tonge RSMI Craddock

Celebrating Cadet Achievements in Leadership

Celebrating Cadet Achievements in Leadership

24 August 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

SMI Debbie Callaghan, County Media Officer

Congratulations to two exceptional Senior Cadets on their recent appointments, showcasing their outstanding leadership.

Cadet CSM Caitlin Tonge has been appointed as Cadet RSM by our Commandant Col Catherine Harrison highlights her dedication and leadership skills. As Cadet RSM, Cadet RSM Tonge will play a crucial role in guiding and mentoring her fellow cadets, upholding discipline, and fostering a sense of unity within the ranks. Her positive attitude and readiness to embrace challenges make her an exemplary choice for this role.

Cadet RSM Tonge said: "I am excited for the challenge and opportunity of what the Cadet RSM appointment holds. It's a chance for me to contribute even more to our cadet community and lead by example."

Cadet Sgt Major Phoebe Farrow was appointed as Cadet Company Sgt Major which recognises her dedication and capabilities as a leader. In this role, Cadet CSM Farrow will contribute significantly to the efficiency and effectiveness of No 3 (Somme) Company. Her appointment is a testament to her ability to inspire and lead her peers.

These achievements inspire us all and reflect the core values of our cadet community. Well done to both cadets as they step into roles that will undoubtedly shape the future of our Greater Manchester ACF.

#GmanACFforceforgood #ACFAnnualCamp #acfannualcamp2023 #goingfurther #InspireToAchieve

  • Cadet RSM Tonge
  • Cadet RSM Tonge RSMI Craddock
  • Cadet CSM Farrow 1
  • Cadet CSM Farrow 2
  • Cadet RSM Cadet CSM
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