Cadet Pollitt Ramsbottom 2

Cadet's Heroic First Aid Actions Recognised

Cadet's Heroic First Aid Actions Recognised

23 November 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

By Major Andy Pilling, Company Commander No 1 (Minden) Company

As the Commanding Officer of No 1 (Minden) Company it is always a privilege to see the cadets experience new things, achieve, and grow. It is an honour to present awards to cadets who have been recognised for their actions outside the ACF.

Cadet Joshua Pollitt joined Ramsbottom Detachment earlier this year (2023) and like all cadets started his basic training as an army cadet. As well as military skills he learnt the basics of First Aid, skills that are used by cadets and have been used to save lives. Little did Cadet Pollitt know that he would soon be using these skills in reality.

During a recent visit to his grandmother’s house, his grandmother stumbled and fell in the house. Using the first aid skills he had been taught, he did not panic and commenced his assessment and treatment. Finding the first aid kit, he made his grandmother comfortable and put her arm in a sling. Keeping a record of everything he did he contacted his mum to help. At all times keeping his attention on his grandmother for any changes in her condition.

Later going to hospital, it was found that his grandmother had broken her arm from the fall. She was later released from hospital and will make a full recovery.

Cadet Pollitt used his training and acted in a way that kept his grandmother as comfortable as possible, immobilising and supporting the injured arm. He was able to later recall and relay everything he had done.

For the outstanding actions of Cadet Pollitt, he has been recognised and was presented a Praiseworthy First Aid Certificate from the Army Cadet Charity, ACCT UK. His very proud mum, dad and younger sister attended the presentation at Ramsbottom Detachment.

Cadets learn many skills and every year cadets perform life saving acts which save the lives of people both known to them and strangers.

Click the link for more pictures - Cadet's Heroic First Aid Actions Recognised

#GmanACFforceforgood #InspireToAchieve #GoingFurther #SkillsForLife #FirstAid

Cadet Pollitt Ramsbottom 3