No 1 Coy Dof E

Cadets from No 1 (Minden) Company Embark on an Exciting…

at Boarfold Scout Camp in Derbyshire

Cadets from No 1 (Minden) Company Embark on an Exciting Duke of Edinburgh Adventure

22 September 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

By Major Andy Pilling, Company Commander No 1 (Minden) Company

A busy weekend took place for Cadets from No 1 (Minden) Company over 15-17 September 2023.

79 Cadets travelled to Boarfold Scout Camp in Derbyshire to take part in Navigation and Expedition training and progress in their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Arriving Friday night, the cadets familiarised themselves with the campsite and set up their tents, preparing their personal kit for a weekend of being as near self-reliant as possible. Prior to coming on the camp, the cadets received training in campcraft and navigation. They worked in teams planning their routes for the expedition and preparing menu plans for the weekend. At all times thinking that everything they take with them they will have to carry.

Saturday started with ideal weather and fortunately no signs of rain. Breakfast was prepared and the tents packed away. The teams prepared themselves for a long day ahead of walking and navigating.

The junior cadets, having a slower start to the day with practice at campcraft and a navigation exercise to start, then onto the skills of map reading.

6 teams left the Scout Camp and consisted of nearly 50 cadets doing their Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze award. The expedition for around 30 cadets being the last part of the award to complete.

The cadets used their training and working as teams to navigate around a route they had planned on maps, putting what they could see on a map to the real world. Mistakes made and corrected as they went around the route, the cadets showed determination to complete the day. Sore feet didn’t stop them. Stopping during the day to refuel with lunch and off again. Up and down hills and back to the campsite. A great sight for all the cadets after a hard but successful day.

The work did not stop there. Following a brief rest, they put up their tents again and cooked their evening meal.

As a reward for their hard work a campfire was lit, and SI Jo Chambers rewarded the cadets by making a campfire for the cadets.

Sunday commenced with the cadets again making their breakfast and taking down tents. Making sure the campsite was clear of litter the cadets ventured on another final navigation exercise before returning to the campsite and departing home on the coaches.

The Company Ambassador for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is SI Andrew Zallmann who has through hard work over many months, enrolled and supported a large number of cadets in the DofE process that is nationally recognised by employers and universities.

For more pictures of the weekend please click here

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No 1 Coy Dof E