Cadet Sgt Finn

Cadet Sergeant Finn of No 1 (Minden) Company Shares…

on his attendance at Greater Manchester Youth Forum Meeting

Cadet Sergeant Finn of No 1 (Minden) Company Shares Insightful Perspectives

28 November 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

By Major Andy Pilling, Company Commander No 1 (Minden) Company

Cadet Sergeant Finn from No 1 (Minden) Company was asked to attend his first Greater Manchester Youth Forum meeting. He gave his views.

“What is the Greater Manchester Youth Council Association (GMYCA)? It is an organisation that convenes regular meetings to hold discussions on how to enhance the Greater Manchester area.

These meetings feature esteemed speakers from various organisations such as Transport for Greater Manchester and the Our Pass team. The speakers discuss their plans for improving Greater Manchester and collaborate closely with the NW Youth Council to gather suggestions and opinions.

When I attended the meeting, I was warmly greeted by the students who oversee the council. They guided me to a wide array of food and beverages before I took my seat. Shortly after, the meeting commenced, and each table had a different representative who engaged in discussions about their strategic plans. They also sought our opinions and thoughts. Personally, this approach made me feel less anxious about speaking up and it fostered a sense of teamwork among the table members.

As the meeting progressed, we switched tables and continued the process until we returned to our original table. It was truly a remarkable experience, and I highly recommend it to those who seek to have their voices heard and make a meaningful impact.”

Cadet Sergeant Finn plans to attend other meetings when he is available.

#GmanACFforceforgood #InspireToAchieve #GoingFurther #SkillsForLife

Cadet Sgt Finn