Flodden LB

Cadet in the Community down in the Borders

Flodden Day 2023

Cadet in the Community down in the Borders

18 August 2023

  • Lothian And Borders Battalion ACF

Lothian & Borders ACF were tasked with the overseeing the carparking for one of the biggest events in the year down in the Borders.

Flodden Day is the day where riders and spectators from all over the Borders commemorate the Battle of Flodden during Coldstream Civic Week and saw 150 riders retrace the route the Scottish army fatefully took on September 9th 1513.

Thanks and praise came from not only the even organisers but members of the public and showed that Minden Company really did an outstanding job putting the "community" into Cadet in the Community! Hip, Hip!
