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Bucks ACF Welcome British Army Engagement Team.

Cadets and CFAV's from G and I Company were delighted to welcome the British Army engagement team who delivered a 2 hour fully interactive Roadshow event.

Bucks ACF Welcome British Army Engagement Team.

8 October 2023

  • Buckinghamshire ACF

The event, delivered by a team of serving personnel from the British Army’s high readiness Brigade and arranged by Headquarters South East in Aldershot, undertook a range of activities with our students, a short brief on the British Army followed by a chance to try out some physical battlefield challenges, then some team and challenge activities to both enhance confidence and develop skills and team work.

All the students had a great time meeting with the personnel and appreciate the new confidence, skills in mental and physical resilience they gained from the day which undoubtedly will benefit them in the future.

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