SI Jasmine Parsons 10

An impressive 270 subject passes and 8 cadet promotions

for No 3 (Somme) Company

An impressive 270 subject passes and 8 cadet promotions

21 November 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

SMI Debbie Callaghan, County Media Officer

Over the weekend 17-19 November, No 3 (Somme) Company spent the weekend at Holcombe Moor Training Camp, where they trained 1 & 2 star cadets in various subjects which included navigation, expedition, and PT. The weekend was a huge success, with an impressive 270 subject passes and 8 cadet promotions.

The weekend at Holcombe Moor Training Camp was a great opportunity for the cadets to put their skills to the test and demonstrate what they have learned. It is always impressive to see so many subject passes and promotions, which highlights the dedication and hard work of both the cadets and the adult volunteers.

Greater Manchester ACF is an excellent organisation that provides young people with a unique and valuable experience. All of this is thanks to the adult volunteers who give up their time to provide a fantastic cadet experience to the cadets.

For more pictures please click the link here

Thank you to 2Lt Vickie Mansell, CSM Martin Taylor, SSI Scott Goodier and SI Jasmin Parsons for the pictures.

#GmanACFforceforgood #InspireToAchieve #GoingFurther

SI Jasmine Parsons 10