Adult Training Sept 2023

Adult Instructors Excel in a Weekend of Training

at Holcombe Moor Training Centre

Adult Instructors Excel in a Weekend of Training

19 September 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

By SMI Ian Mackie, Training Sergeant Major, County Adult Training Team

Over the past weekend, Holcombe Moor Training Centre was busy with adults undertaking various training.

PI Neate successfully completed his Intermediate Induction Course B (IIC B) and was presented with his yellow SI rank slide which shows PI Neate is ready for his next course, the Advanced Instructor Course in November.

PI’s Holloway and Gavin completed their Intermediate Induction Course A (IIC A) training and are now ready for the October IIC B course.

SI Barnes and PI Higson completed an intensive Communication & Information Systems (CIS) Course. The ability to communicate clearly, confidently and effectively is what is at the heart of CIS training in the Army Cadets.

In a separate group, 14 students embarked on the first Safe Person and Training Assessment (SPTA) course.

These accomplishments are a testament to the unwavering dedication of the adult instructors who dedicate their time to ensure their knowledge and experience in passed to new cadet force adult volunteers joining our organisation. Thank you to each member of staff who attended and assisted in achieving the success of the weekend.

#GmanACFforceforgood #goingfurther #InspireToAchieve

PI Neate
Adult Training Sept 2023