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A Happy Birthday and a Bittersweet Farewell!

Today is a day tinged with sadness, as we officially say goodbye to Corporal Mollie Dibble from Blaina Detachment. Tomorrow, she celebrates her 18th birthday, and so she will wave goodbye to G&P and step out into the big wide world on the start of new adventures!

A Happy Birthday and a Bittersweet Farewell!

2 March 2024

  • Gwent And Powys ACF

Cpl Dibble joined Brynmawr detachment at the age of 13. Since starting, she has always been present, attending regularly and making the most of a wealth of opportunities and challenges. She has continuously attended detachment training, numerous camps, county training weekends and company training days and events, not only those based around the syllabus, but also sports, educational visits and even a trip to Normandy for the D-Day visits. Mollie has also completed the Royal College of Nursing Course and passed with flying colours, enabling her to wear the beret of Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC). She has represented both Gwent & Powys and Wales in numerous activities in first aid and orienteering. She has carried the standard for her detachment with pride for the last 2 years for Brynmawr and also when they moved to Blaina, and she was selected to lay the wreath at the Remembrance service during E Company's trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire in January.

During her time as a cadet, Mollie has excelled and matured into the exceptional person she is now, and it has been a pleasure to see her grow and develop into a young adult ready to take her next steps in life. She has shown dedication to the Army Cadet Force and her detachment, and has been a excellent role model for the younger cadets. Mollie is thinking of becoming an Instructor within the ACF in the near future, alongside her studies at University, and we are certain that she will be an asset to whichever county she joins.

Saying goodbye is always hard, especially when someone has been such a key part of their detachment, company and county. We wish Mollie every success in her future endeavours, and hope that the skills and qualities that she has developed during her time as a cadet in Gwent & Powys will serve her well. Good luck Mollie, from everyone at Blaina Detachment and across the county. You will be missed!




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