The Queen meets cadets after the Beating of the Retreat

How to Show Respect

How to Show Respect

6 June 2019

Being respectful to one another is an easy way to gain happiness in many aspects of life - whether it’s at work, school or with your family and friends. We are all individual and have different beliefs and opinions. Even if we don’t agree with another point of view, it’s important that we all learn to respect alternate beliefs to avoid conflict.

At the ACF, respect is something that is consistently taught. Learn more about ways to show respect, why it’s important and how you can get involved with the Army Cadets.

What is Respect

The two official Dictionary definitions of respect are:

  1. Admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
  2. Have due regard for someone’s feelings, wishes, or rights.

Being respectful means that you ensure you’re nice to someone, care about their feelings or admire their achievements or authority. It means obliging by the rules, being friendly, not harming others physically or emotionally, and thinking about how they feel.

Why is Respect Important?

Gaining respect from other people is important as it means we can be ourselves whilst feeling comfortable and safe. It allows us to accept people for who they are and lets us build trust, happiness and a sense of wellbeing.

Being respectful not only shows that we are polite, it also demonstrates that we understand certain boundaries. A respectful environment is one that is more likely to produce successful results – whether that’s a truly happy marriage, a thriving workplace or an honest friendship.

If none of us showed any kind of respect, the world would be a miserable place to live in. We would risk being humiliated, criticised and disobedient. Unfortunately, not all of us show respect and this is when problems occur.

Respect creates a fair environment and ultimately, makes people happy.

How to be Respectful

  • Listen to others – Tune into what people are saying and truly listen. Focus your attention on them and provide insight where you can. This shows that you genuinely care about what that person is saying, which they will appreciate.
  • Follow the rules – Rules are made for a reason - in many occasions it’s to benefit people and keep them safe. Respecting these requirements means you are considering others and understand the reason for their creation. Furthermore, there is typically a consequence if rules are broken, which won’t benefit you.
  • Be polite – Yes, we mean saying your please and thank-you’s. But having basic manners shows that you’re approachable, friendly and kind. Being polite goes as far as cleaning up after yourself, arriving on time for things and holding the door for people.
  • Set aside time for others – If everybody just focused on themselves 100% of the time, we would have no consideration, empathy or good relationships. It’s important to make time for other people, whether it’s your loved ones, colleagues or those working in shops and restaurants. It’s also important to make sure people know that you appreciate their actions with thanks and sincerity.
  • Think about how other people feel – One of the best ways to be respectful is think of how other people feel. Will this action negatively affect someone else? If the answer is yes, don’t do it. Being respectful creates a fair and caring environment where nobody is controlling one another and everyone can speak openly without confrontation.
  • Don’t forget about yourself – It’s also important to respect yourself. Remember to remind yourself that you’re valuable and your feelings are as prominent as everyone else’s. If you feel like you are being disrespected, speak to that person and let them know how you feel. If things don’t change, then consider putting space between you and them or ending the relationship entirely.

Teaching Respect to Children

Teaching our kids to be respectful can be difficult, but a lot of it comes from how we treat them. It’s important to stay calm when talking to them, be fair, and treat them the way you’d like them to treat others. If you catch them being disrespectful, remind them that we don’t act this way and give a consequence for their actions.

Here at the Army Cadet Force, discipline and respect is at the forefront of our culture (as well as exciting, challenging activities and the chance to make friends for life). The Army Cadets provide skills that last a lifetime and are hugely transferable. With the opportunity for your child to complete a variety of qualifications, find your nearest detachment and get them involved now.