Throughout life, wherever you go and whoever you interact with, there will be situations when you must step up and take control. It may be an important meeting in your career or it may be a medical emergency you encounter on the street. It could even be when leading a troop of Army Cadets through an exercise in the field but whatever the situation, having effective leadership skills is vital.
Find out what makes an effective leader and how developing leadership skills will enable you to tackle virtually any scenario that comes your way. If you’re interested in finding out more about what leadership really means and how you can develop leadership skills, registering as an adult volunteer in the Army Cadet Force will put your skills to the test.
Utilise Powerful Body Language
Your path to becoming a great leader can be as simple as changing the way you carry yourself in front of others and transforming your body language can make a big difference. People need to feel comfortable following your lead, so watch your posture and ensure you make eye contact. Speak directly to each individual member of the team and adapt the way you speak depending on who you’re addressing. Not only is it important to value the individual assets of your team, but you should also recognise them as individuals with unique skills during conversations.
Listen Effectively
Without effective listening skills you can’t make intelligence-led decisions. Potentially this means you would run the risk of splitting a group down the middle during a crucial moment in an exercise or project. Leaders aren’t just there to make difficult decisions - they’re there to make decisions that are in the best interest of the entire group. An effective leader should be aware of the different views within the group, and provide a solution based on compromise. Keep an ear to the ground and address any concerns as they arise, otherwise you run the risk that it will be too late.
Throw Yourself into Unfamiliar Situations
One of the greatest qualities of a leader is to be a driving force when everyone else has lost their direction. It can be difficult to keep a steady course during unexpected situations or in alien environments, so leaders need to know how to keep calm, objective and make the best decisions. Although some people are naturally born with the ability to keep calm in stressful situations, the best way to learn this skill is to throw yourself into unfamiliar territory and get experience of making certain decisions when everything else is uncertain. Discover how training to become an officer in the Army Cadet Force will help you to become a better leader.
Be a Passionate Leader
Lead by example and drive your team with passion. By acting with energy and enthusiasm you can lead a team through challenges and big changes in any organisation. If you don’t see a positive force behind your team, then take charge and be the zealous, confident individual that others want to follow. The Army Cadet Force is comprised of young, enthusiastic people who need equally committed leaders to drive this passion in and out of the Army Cadet Force.
Learn How to Delegate Effectively
Delegation is an art that is guaranteed to push you forward as a leader in professional and personal situations. It’s important to understand the strengths and limitations of your team and learn that you need to let go of some responsibility before you’re able to create one cohesive unit. Avoid micromanaging and establish a firm timeline for deliverables and ensure there is equal credit given during positive reinforcement across the team.
Put Yourself to the Test
Take control of your own personal development and find your nearest detachment. Find out how to get involved and start leading the youth of today!