In August, Army Cadets embarked on an unforgettable adventure in Bavaria, Germany, as part of their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) expedition. The group of determined cadets from different regions of the UK had the opportunity to participate in this challenging expedition amidst the stunning landscapes of southern Germany. There were 19 Gold DofE participants, of whom 3 were Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) and 3 were staff cadets. They were further supported by another 8 CFAVs.
Preparing for the Expedition
Before the expedition, the cadets underwent a training session to equip them with the essential skills needed for a successful and safe journey. This included a comprehensive kit session covering everything from packing the right equipment to understanding the importance of emergency procedures. Read our article on how to get ready for an expedition here. The session provided a solid foundation of practical knowledge, which would prove invaluable during the expedition.
Training also included sessions on route planning, wild camping, and hygiene. Cadets learned how to select appropriate camping areas, ensuring they minimised their impact on the environment and respected the surrounding wildlife. Discussions on choosing suitable water sources and purification methods were vital for staying hydrated and safe throughout the expedition. They were also taught how to handle cooking in the wild, with demonstrations on using stoves and advice on choosing the best foods to sustain energy levels during their challenging journey.
The Expedition Journey
Over several days, the Army Cadets tackled demanding routes across Bavaria, testing their physical endurance and mental resilience. Highlights of the expedition included a visit to the beautiful Alatsee Lake, a shimmering body of water surrounded by picturesque mountains.