2nd NI Flag

Your Hair, Your Choice!

As of 8th August 2021 the Army Cadets Hair Policy has changed, here’s how:

Your Hair, Your Choice!

17 August 2021

  • 2nd Northern Ireland Battalion ACF

When in uniform hair is to be kept well- groomed and secured or styled back from the face. Longer hair now may be worn in a: bun, single ponytail, single braid or corn braids/corn rows secured with conservative ties, grips, hairpins, and nets of natural hair colour.

These styles must sit no lower than the top of the belt. Styles must be uniform (e.g. braids must be the same width) and present an appearance when viewed from the front that is reasonably symmetrical.

Varying styles of hair, straight, curled or coiled, are permitted within these limits and should not preclude the proper wearing of headdress which should fit as normal. Hair accessories (including beads) are not to be worn.

Any queries, please speak with your Company Sergeant Major or the Battalion RSM.

Your hair, your choice