SSI Hazelhurst Marathon 1

Well done to SSI Ady Hazelhurst for doing what he said he...

would; run a marathon today!

Well done to SSI Ady Hazelhurst for doing what he said he...

27 February 2021

  • Greater Manchester ACF
For more on SSI Hazelhurst....

SSI Debbie Callaghan, County PRO

Well done to SSI Ady Hazelhurst for doing what he said he would; run a marathon today!

After running 26.5 miles this brings his total miles run for Greater Manchester ACF to 240 miles since 1 February. Absolutely brilliant!

Well done to every other cadet and adult volunteer who has taken part.

If you are planning to run tomorrow on the last day please post the picture below for us all to see.

For more on SSI Hazelhurst please click the link below.

#KeepTheFlameAlive #VirtualACF #CadetForceResilience #gmacftogetherasone #GmanACFforceforgood