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Twelve new First Aid Successes

First Aid at Work Course - By Capt Matt Lundie

Twelve new First Aid Successes

18 July 2022

  • Humberside And South Yorkshire ACF

Despite the hot weather, twelve cadets attended CTC Driffield and became first aid ninjas by passing their First Aid at Work qualification.

The First Aid at Work training course, which conform with HSE guidance, provides a comprehensive set of practical skills needed by first aiders in most workplaces, giving both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies. It meets the standards required to help with Health and Safety (First aid) regulations.

The course covers a range of first aid techniques including wound dressing CPR and topically how to deal with heat related injuries.

Well done to all cadets and thank you to Captain McDool our CFATO for all of his hard work delivering first aid training for the county.

Should you have passed 2* First Aid and wish to become a ninja, the next Cadet FAAW Course is 04-06 Nov 22. Please submit your 108b ASAP to request a place.

If you are not a cadet and would like to start the journey then click the link below to find a detachment near you.