The Master Cadet Diaries...
Last night, Cadet Company Sergeant Major Sally Murton-Davies was presented with her Master Cadet Certificate in a surprise virtual ceremony organised by her Detachment Commander, Lt Rachael Morris-Jones.
Cadet Company Sergeant Major Sally Murton-Davies
Sally has been a member of Newtown Detachment since she joined the ACF back in February 2017, and is central to the success and growth of her detachment. She is extremely enthusiastic, always engaged and demonstrates clearly the values and standards of the ACF.
Taking advantage of every opportunity on offer in addition to green training, Sally has represented Gwent & Powys, Wales and the Army Cadet Force in many different ways, including through sporting competitions, exchange visits abroad and as a Lord Lieutenant’s cadet. During virtual training, she has worked hard to support her Detachment Commander, Adult Instructors and Senior Cadet Team in ‘keeping the flame alive’, devising weird and wacky motivational challenges and exercises to entertain and engage the younger cadets in addition to their training.
Sally is a resilient, confident and motivated youngster with the drive and determination to be successful in whatever she chooses to do, and we have no doubt that she will go far in life! Last night’s surprise presentation, which was also attended by the Commandant, Colonel David Chipp, was a lovely way to show Sally how much her hard work is appreciated, and also congratulate her on successfully passing her Master Cadet interview.
Congratulations Cadet Company Sergeant Major Sally Murton-Davies!
“CSM Murton-Davies is an incredible asset to Newtown Detachment and we continue to be proud of everything she achieves. She continually tries her best, is resilient and bounces back from negative news and leads by example. I am certain that she will go on and do great things and make an impact in whatever she does and wherever she goes!”
Lieutenant Rachael Jones-Morris, Newtown Detachment Commander