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Suffolk Army Cadet on the Thetford Ranges

This weekend over 20 cadets from A, B & C Company participated in the County range weekend at Thetford

Suffolk Army Cadet on the Thetford Ranges

15 May 2022

  • Suffolk ACF

This weekend over 20 cadets from A, B & C Company participated in the County range weekend at Thetford. With the sun shinning all the cadets participated in the 2 and 3 star APC shoot. Each cadet demonstrated their marksmanship principles and with some fantastic coaching by our adults lots of passes were achieved including cadets gaining their first class and even marksmanship level. A big thanks to all the staff who helped on this weekend. Keep up the great work and see you all on annual summer camp for some more shooting.

Capt Davison. County shooting officer. #excitingtimesahead #teamworkmakesthedreamwork.

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