While being a mother to 7 children, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers as DC in Middleton and volunteering on average 30-35 hours a week with St Johns Ambulance, SI Turner was just more than just busy.
While being a District Logistics Officer for Hull and having taken over as Interim District Logistics Lead, some of the roles that SI Turner underwent with St John Ambulance were: Sorting out the personal protective equipment, cleaning of the ambulance, moving of the ambulance, support and equipment to the frontline units and the day 2 day running.
SI Turner is an extraordinary volunteer with her hard work that she has done during COVID-19 at home, Army Cadet Force and with St John Ambulance is an example to follow.
SI Turner said: “I’m proud of the volunteer work I do, it has taught me so much and gives me a real sense of achievement.”
Written by Sergeant Instructor Michael Townend (Area Public Relations Representative B Company)