Sergeant Instructor presented Commissioner’s Commendations…

Sergeant Instructor (SI) Eva Turner Detachment Commander (DC) Middleton was presented a Commissioner’s Commendations for exceptional service for her work with the St John Ambulance during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Sergeant Instructor presented Commissioner’s Commendations for work with the St John Ambulance!

30 June 2021

  • Humberside And South Yorkshire ACF

While being a mother to 7 children, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers as DC in Middleton and volunteering on average 30-35 hours a week with St Johns Ambulance, SI Turner was just more than just busy.

While being a District Logistics Officer for Hull and having taken over as Interim District Logistics Lead, some of the roles that SI Turner underwent with St John Ambulance were: Sorting out the personal protective equipment, cleaning of the ambulance, moving of the ambulance, support and equipment to the frontline units and the day 2 day running.

SI Turner is an extraordinary volunteer with her hard work that she has done during COVID-19 at home, Army Cadet Force and with St John Ambulance is an example to follow.

SI Turner said: “I’m proud of the volunteer work I do, it has taught me so much and gives me a real sense of achievement.”

Written by Sergeant Instructor Michael Townend (Area Public Relations Representative B Company)

Si Eva Turner
Si Eva Turner holding the received Commissioner's Commendation.