Yesterday was a Skill At Arms refresher, with adults encouraged to come and take part to ensure that following the lockdowns and move to online training, their skills are current, up-to-date and ready to offer our cadets the best possible experience.Today, teams of Adult Instructors took to the ranges. During any sessions involving the use of weapons, safety is, of course, paramount. Respect, discipline, self-awareness, a full understanding of the weapon and vital safety skills are taught explicitly, so key to this is the skills and knowledge of the Adult Instructors, many of whom hold additional and specific qualifications to allow them to teach and supervise this highly skilled subject within the ACF. The range day was aimed at those Adults who hold specialised qualifications, including those that allow them to run a range themselves. All of the Adult Instructors involved have thoroughly enjoyed their weekend, and, following this additional training to up-skill, test and refresh their own knowledge and skills, we know that they are ready to offer a fantastic package of training to our Cadets.A huge thank you must go to Captain Sarah Russell and her team for all of the hard work that has gone into the training offered so far - they have done an incredible job. From brand new Adult Instructors to those who have been here for years - there’s always something new to learn!If you’re aged 12 (Year 8) to 18, or are an adult with a bit of time to spare and you fancy becoming a part of our #GandPFamily, why not get in touch to find out more? We could be just what you’re looking for!
Ready to Roll!
This weekend has seen Adult Instructors from across G&P taking part in another element of the refresher training on offer in preparation for the much anticipated return to detachments.