PI to SI June 2022

Promotions & Long Service Medal Awarded

Promotions & Long Service Medal Awarded

13 June 2022

  • Greater Manchester ACF

SMI Debbie Callaghan, County Media Officer

Eleven of our amazing adult volunteers successfully completed their Advanced Instructor Course. All have now been promoted to SI (Sergeant Instructor) Some received their promotion at our recent Platinum Jubilee event whilst the others have been promoted in their detachments.

No 1 (Minden) Company - SI L Turnbull

No 2 (Kohima) Company - SI M Waters, SI L McCarthy

No 3 (Somme) Company - SI S Jones, SI R McCormick

No 5 (Anzio) Company - SI S Redmond, SI C Hubbuck, SI J Durkin, SI M Thompson, SI K Hubbard, SI L Walter

A recent promotion was given to SSI Paul Barber who was promoted to SMI. This was made by his Company Commander, Major Lee Kennerley. Major Kennerley said “SMI Barber has been working hard with No1 (Minden) Company over the last 12 months. In this time, he has supported Adult Training and supporting units with additional training and development in his role within Company HQ. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate SMI Barber on his very well-deserved promotion”.

A surprise for one of our long service adult volunteers. SSI Peter Lloyd was presented with his long service medal by our Hon Col Sharman Birtles JP DL Vice Lord-Lieutenant. Thank you to SSI Lloyd for your dedication to Greater Manchester ACF.

For more pictures click here

#GmanACFforceforgood #LifelongLearning #GoingFurther #volunteering

PI to SI June 2022
SMI Paul Barber
SSI Peter Lloyd