
Major Dean Competition 2024

The return of the inter-detachment sport and skills day!

Major Dean Competition 2024

22 July 2024

  • Derbyshire ACF

Etwall Detachment hosted the day of fun, friendship and action that brought the D Company family together.

The competition, created in memory of Major Bernard Dean who was the Officer Commanding D Company until he sadly passed away in 2010, offered lots of trophies and medals in events that included:

Command Tasks
Laser Clay Shooting
March and Shoot
Strong Cadet
Tag Archery


2Lt Sarah Macpherson, Etwall Detachment Commander, led the planning and running of the competition day. She worked closely with the Company Sergeant Major Instructor, CSMI Peter Zapoticznyj in the lead up and was fully supported by several D Company Adult Instructors to ensure the day went to plan!

Cadets from the 8 Area Detachments formed teams and competed at 5 activity stands that tested skills, teamwork and leadership. The sports events took place in the afternoon and, despite tired bodies from the morning's activities, cadets remained fully competitive and gave it their all! Many family members attended and gave their support from the sidelines too.

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The Officer Commanding D Company, Major Sarah Shergold, presented bronze, silver and gold medals, and winner's trophies for the different events. The winner of the Major Dean Trophy is the Detachment that accumulates the highest total points from all the events. The final result was:

1st: Spondon Detachment
2nd: Mickleover Detachment
3rd: Etwall Detachment

Congratulations to Spondon!

Another aim of the day was to generate funds to support cadets going on Derbyshire ACF's overseas exercise to Gibraltar in February 2025. From the drinks, sweets and hot BBQ food items sold a fantastic £690 was raised!

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The competition will be back next year, even bigger and better! So if you're inspired to join the fun, friendship, action and adventure - as a cadet from the age of 12, or as an Adult Volunteer - then look up your local Detachment and find out more.