
Luxury Fieldcraft

Barnsley and Hillsborough Fieldcraft weekend September 2023 - by SI J Oates

Luxury Fieldcraft

6 September 2023

  • Humberside And South Yorkshire ACF

Recently, Barnsley and Hillsborough detachment teamed up to carry out a 1 star fieldcraft weekend at Hillsborough detachment. Throughout the weekend the cadets went through various lessons for fieldcraft such as carrying out sentry duties and learning how to look after themselves whilst in the field. The cadets enjoyed the weekend with many smiley faces throughout which they left with 9 Army cadet Syllabus One Star Fieldcraft passes.

Sergeant Instructor Hayley Fallis who planned the weekend said “thank you to all the adults that attend the weekend and the cadets who have been amazing and have really pushed themselves throughout”.

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