Cheadle Hulme March 2023 1

Local Councillor visits Cadets at Cheadle Hulme Detachment

Local Councillor visits Cadets at Cheadle Hulme Detachment

30 March 2023

  • Greater Manchester ACF

By SSI Martin Taylor, No 3 (Somme) Company

A rainy night in South Manchester saw Councillor David Meller from Stockport Council visit Cheadle Hulme Detachment, where he took the time to observe various lessons and meet the lively bunch of cadets.

He observed weapon handling on the air rifle alongside first aid assessments and watched some of the more committed cadets scrambling around in the mud in an enjoyable fieldcraft lesson.

Sustenance was served in the form of a 24-hour ration pack from a two-person basha, or shelter as commonly known - met with surprise by Cllr Mellor who commented on the quality of the rations these days!

A hot brew at NAAFI break allowed Cllr Meller to give a short talk on his role in the local authority, answering questions and sharing his thoughts on what he had seen on his visit. He finished by promising to keep the detachment in the loop on any appropriate community engagement activities in the future.

Councillor David Meller, Stockport Shadow Councillor for Economy, and Regeneration said: "I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Cheadle Hulme Detachment, seeing young people working together and teaching one another not only key army skills but skills for life.

"The pride the cadets have for their uniform and the detachment was clearly on display, and it was a pleasure to see. Some cadets may consider a career in the Armed Forces, and judging from meeting them - we would be well placed for the future should any of them join.

"Thanks to Martin and his colleagues for inviting me and providing a brilliant facility that benefits many local young people in Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme and further afield in the Stockport and South Manchester area.”

#GmanACFforceforgood #goingfurther #InspireToAchieve

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