
Exercise Santa

Exercise Santa

13 December 2021

  • Cornwall ACF
This weekend, Cornwall Army Cadets took part in a multi skill training weekend. This included the following:

Shooting on the DCCT (Dismounted Close Combat Trainer), which uses computer simulated firing to use for training in weapon handing without using a live weapon and a great way to improve their skills at shooting. The 3 star cadets managed to reduce their groupings from being quite wide to then improving enough to gain very impressive scores! For this they achieved their 3 star shoot (with special dispensation from the Commandant).
  • DCCT

    Dismounted Close Combat Trainer

  • DCCT2

    Dismounted Close Combat Trainer

  • Shooting3star2

    3 Star shooting badges

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First Aid for 1 Star and 2 Star Cadets. With the 2 Star package successfully achieved on the Saturday and the 1 Star on the Sunday. We gained a lot of passes which helps all of the cadets get closer to the next star grade level.

  • FA01

    Recovery Position

  • FA02

    Primary Survey

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We delivered the new Basic and 1 star CIS (Cadet Communication & Information Systems) package which included Semaphore and radio use.
  • CIS001


  • CIS002


  • CIS003


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The first training session for the Cambrian Patrol Competition also took place this weekend which included and hike with full packs, training and an intense First Aid Scenario. Everyone did very well and we have our team. We will be training for the Cambrian Patrol Competition now up until the event so have many more exciting things planned for them!
  • Camb001

    CAS-SIM (casualty simulation) in preperaion for…

  • Camb003

    Section Commander taking control

  • Camb007

    Unconscious casualty with suspected spinal injury

  • Camb008

    Conscious casualty with open fracture

  • Camb009

    Rolling the casualty onto a make-shift stretcher

  • Camb10

    Rolling the casualty onto a make-shift stretcher

  • Camb011

    Rolling a second casualty onto a make-shift…

  • Camb013

    Carrying the casualty on a make-shift stretcher…

  • Camb014

    Carrying the casualty on a make-shift stretcher…

  • Camb016

    De-brief of the exercise

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