Day Two Annual Camp 2021 - No 2 (Kohima) Company

Day 2 Annual Camp 2021 - No 2 (Kohima) Company

Day 2 Annual Camp 2021 - No 2 (Kohima) Company

17 August 2021

  • Greater Manchester ACF

SMI Debbie Callaghan, County PRO

The day always begins with breakfast, this includes cereal as well as a cooked breakfast. After all the cadets were fed a packed lunch was issued before setting off on their long walk whilst practicing navigation and map reading skills. There was a lot of rain about today but none of the cadets spirts were dampened.

WO2 Darrell Jones is the Training Safety Advisor (TSA) from HQ NW Brigade. WO2 Jones went out today to walk the route the cadets and staff walked.

On return to camp the cadets got into their teams and built wheelbarrows from the STEM kits, (Science Technology Engineering Maths). The cadets enjoy competition, so the challenge was set to race each other. A live video on our County Facebook can be watched to see the cadets in action.

The final activity before evening meal was taken by SSI Ryan Gemmell. SSI Gemmell encouraged each cadet and member of staff to stand at the front and speak for a few minutes about themselves and their interests. A great confidence builder.

Another great day for No 2 (Kohima) Company. Over the next two days the cadets will take part in Adventurous Training. All are looking forward to this.

Thank you to WO2 Jones, TSA, Cadet Sgt Ellie Mead and SI Dan Young for the photos whilst on their walk.

Pictures from Day 2 can be found on our County Facebook page.

Please note: All activities are conducted under Army Cadet Covid-19 Guidance.

#GmanACFforceforgood #LifeLongSuccess #ACFAnnualCamp2021