
CRC students complete Cyberfirst Training

CRC students complete Cyberfirst Training

27 July 2022

  • Cambridgeshire ACF

Cambridgeshire Army Cadet Force is closely tied to the Uniformed Public Services Courses offered by Cambridge Regional College- not only sharing many staff, but with many of its students additionally being Army Cadets at CRC Detachment. A one-day Cyberfirst Adventurers training course was recently organised for these students by our own County Signals Officer, Lieutenant Protacio.


Steve Mundy assisting the students.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, the threat of cyber-attack is becoming an increasing concern, and is changing the landscape of public services and digital security services.

The course was taught by Steve Mundy from the National Cyber Security Centre. He gave a great introduction to the subject of cyber security, and made it extremely relevant to the students by linking it to their other areas of study, and explained the growing importance of the subject and the ongoing threat to the UK’s digital space.


Students gathering data for an exercise.

Steve Mundy said: “The threat of war is no longer just a physical concern. Almost every aspect of our lives is reliant on digital technology and there are emerging opportunities in cyber security. The MoD and GCHQ are preparing to open a national security centre creating a new career pathway for students entering the public services sector.”

The Adventurers training consists of a seminar exploring what the world wide web really means, followed by four workshops exploring how easy it is to find someone online, involving a complex information gathering and analysing challenge. This exercise explored just how much information is available about individuals, and how this information can be used, or misused, and gave important lessons in how to stay safe online.


Students with their Cyberfirst certificates.

Students also learned about how the internet can enhance other areas of our lives, how to build websites and completed a timed-challenge deciphering codes.

Lt Protacio said; “The students really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it, it was clearly a real success and an eye-opener for them.”

Further Cyber first courses will be offered, with the next being later this year.

Text by SI Doug Stuart and CRC Press Release.

Photos courtesy CRC.