On Sunday 7th and Monday 8th May, cadets from across the county took part in a series of events to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and also to commemorate the 78th
Anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe, VE Day. As well as giving our cadets a chance to participate directly in these important events, it also gave our organisation a chance to show what great people we have, and get them playing an active role in their local communities.
Coronation and VE Day Commemorations
On Sunday, Chatteris cadets attended a church service to commemorate the Coronation. On Monday, they were ‘helping hands’ for the Chatteris branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL); helping to set things up at the King Edwards Centre and to serve tea & coffee to members of the community who brought tickets for the afternoon tea. They then helped to clear the hall and washed and dried the crockery. Chatteris Instructor SSI Dave Seal said; ‘We would like to thank all cadets that took part over the coronation weekend, so well done’.
Cadets at Ramsey took part in a solemn memorial service at the town’s war memorial, presided over by the local vicar, who concluded the service with reference to the Coronation and ‘God Save The King!’. Cdt LCpl White said: ‘Its important that we show our presence in the community’, and Cdt Crockett added: ‘Its important to show we remember people from the war.’ Cdt Sgt Scott-Rawlins also felt: ‘It is important for us to pay our respects to our new King.’
At Newmarket, cadets from Haddenham, Sawston, Cambridge and Newmarket also took part in a VE Day service, in which the standard bearer, Cdt Sgt Miles, laid the standard and Cadet D’Arcy laid a wreath. After this, the cadets manned a recruitment stand at the adjacent Newmarket Coronation Fair. This was a great opportunity to showcase some of our activities to the general public, especially first aid, in which cadets demonstrated CPR, and showed the procedures for assessing a casualty, and fieldcraft, including putting up a basha (tent) and applying camouflage cream. The cadets and adults interacted with the public, handing out leaflets and telling them about the many great activities we take part in, and the advantages of joining us. The cadets were warmly supported by the local members of the British Legion, (with whom Newmarket has a close relationship) who took the opportunity to present certificates of appreciation to some of the cadets involved in fundraising for them. The RBL had helped to fund Newmarket Detachment's first aid equipment which was on show, enabling their members to see that their funding was being put to good use.
Newmarket Detachment Commander SSI Drummond said: ‘The cadets have done very well. We have had great comments from the RBL, and the Parade Marshall specifically praised Cdt Sgt Miles for her drills. We have had a great turnout and I’m really impressed with the effort the cadets have made and everything they have done today.’
Paul Greenwood, Chairman of the Newmarket and District Branch RBL, wrote to Major Kell, Officer Commanding 3 Company; 'What a pleasure it was to see the cadets from Newmarket, Haddenham, Sawston and Cambridge who supported the events in Newmarket. It was particularly nice to see the cadets using some of the equipment that was funded, for CPR to demonstrate to the public, as well as demonstrating other activities that they engage in. All cadets and staff are a credit to you, in particular those cadets who took part in the VE service as Standard Bearer, laying a wreath and undertaking a reading. It is always nice to catch up with your staff and the leadership team, and we will continue to support this detachment wherever possible, and develop the links that we already have.'
Text by SI Doug Stuart