April 2021 is known as celebrate diversity month. To mark this special event. Army Cadets INSPIRE are looking for help from you!
Volunteers are sought (both cadets and CFAVs) who would be willing to record a short 30 second to 1 minute video clip outlining what diversity means to them. The Inspire network can also assist by providing a question for you to answer for your recording.
These individual video clips would then be used daily on the Army Cadets Inspire social media channels throughout the month of April to celebrate the diversity of our organisation.
CFAVs who have any cadets interested in taking part in this event are asked to ensure that parental/ guardian/carer permissions are obtained for the video clip to be used on social media prior to sending it in by email.
Anyone wishing further information in relation to this event are asked to contact our National Diversity & Inclusivity Advisor
Cadets are to speak to their DC's for further information.
So, what are you waiting for? Lights, Camera, ACTION!