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Calling #teamMACF Runners....


Calling #teamMACF Runners....

1 February 2021

  • Merseyside ACF

#teamMACF check this out....

Army Cadet Sports has set up a running competition between 01-28 February which is open for all Army Cadet personnel to take part in.

Cadets and Adult Volunteers are challenged with running as many miles as they can during February in a bid to see which Region can run the most miles and win the National Army Cadets Sports, Colonel Cadets Running Competition.

The event is open to all Cadets, adult volunteers, & PSS from the Northwest.

All entries must be recorded on STRAVA - for those who are new to Strava please join the "North West Region Sports" page. When registering please register with your name and the first three letters of your county.

Example: JJonesMER

Please note: If you do not register your name correctly with County (Mer -like example above) you will not be admitted into the virtual race.

Please use the link here to register. North West Region Sports (HQNW)

All distances need to be recorded in Miles not KM.

At the end of each week the miles run will be recorded for each entrant and a total will be submitted at the end of the month where the winning region will be notified soon after. All runners will receive a competitor’s certificate.

The importance is to keep active, stay safe and not to race (we need miles not speed!)

Please read the Rules, Security and Safety Sections below before starting the Competition...


The rules for the competition are shown below and must be adhered to especially the social distancing and safety:

  • Permission and Safety of the runners are under the conditions set by the parent or guardian
  • The challenge must be evidenced by Strava
  • Social distancing guidelines MUST be adhered too by local Government Guidelines.
  • Only efforts completed between 01 - 28 February will be counted.
  • Safety is down to the Individual runners and MUST obey all laws if needed.
  • If any runner is running off road then great care must be in place while running
  • You are encouraged to run with another member of the same household.


All runners are encouraged to run safety and stay within their own personal physical ability. All registered runners will receive an attendance certificate from their Regional HQ that will be administered and sent to all RPOC Sports advisers by SO2 Sports & PD.


Please be aware that when uploading your Strava data it will show the start location. In order to ensure that cadet personnel are not giving details of their home location, all runners are advised to begin their run 1 mile away from their home address. Guidance would be to warm up without Strava on and then start Strava at the beginning of your run. Make sure that your run does not end at your home location. You can also set the privacy zones that hides the start/finish location of your run.


All cadets are responsible for their own safety while out running and we encourage you to go running with another member of the same household.

‘Good Luck Everyone!"

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