This weekend saw the Southern regional CADSAAM Cadet Skill at Arms Meeting take place at Pirbright Ranges. A competition between ACF and CCF units in the 11 Infantry Brigade area consisting of four different shooting matches. Hampshire and IOW ACF entered two teams made up of 4 cadets, with 1 reserve, selected from the range weekend earlier in the month
CADSAAM Shooting Competition Success
Hampshire and IOW ACF performed admirably with a team B winning 1st place in the overall ACF competition as well as scoring highest in Match 1. Cdt Rose was awarded two gold medals. Cdt Adsett was selected as the 'Best Endeavor Cadet ACF' across the competition for the effort he put in over the past few weeks, his personal progress and for supporting the team. Congratulations to you all that took part and you should be very proud of your achievements. A great start to the shooting programme for this year. Very well done to both teams.
Match 1 - Team A 3rd, Team B 1st
Match 2 - Team A 3rd, Team B 2nd
Match 3 - Nil - cross lane firing.!!!!
Match 4 - Team A 3rd, Team B Nil Overall Team - Team B
Gold Best Endeavour - Cdt Adsett, Barossa