A Beating Retreat is a military ceremony involving martial music and drills by bands and troops. Dating back to the 17th century, it was originally a signal, typically played at sunset, to call troops back to their camp or quarters for the night. Today, at Army Cadets, it has evolved into a ceremonial event where we can display the precision and discipline of our bands and units.
Cadets from across the Battalion participated in the Beating Retreat 2023 on the Esplanade at Edinburgh Castle as it made a successful return on Saturday 29 April. The event saw around 120 cadets from Scotland and beyond come together to entertain an invited audience and members of the public. This is the first time in four years where Massed Bands from across the Service Cadet organisations have joined forces for this prestigious occasion.
The cadets and bands worked hard over the last year in preparation for the excellent performance.
A massive congratulations to all the Cadets and CFAVs for all the hard work.