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Selby Detachment Cadet successfully completes iDEA award course


7 January 2021

  • Yorkshire (North And West) ACF

Selby Detachment's Cadet Sergeant Kelly is celebrating after becoming the second cadet in our County to complete the highly-esteemed Bronze iDEA Award.

County STEM Officer, 2Lt Scott Baker, explained, "The iDEA Award opens up digital enterprise to people of all ages and abilities, using fun mini-lessons and challenges. In a world dominated by technology, it's quickly becoming an essential asset to CVs when applying for jobs or further education courses. The award has allowed Cadet Sgt Kelly to set his sights on his next technical challenge by applying for the new national ACF Cyber Defence course. Good luck from everyone at Yorkshire (N&W) ACF!"

Cadet Sgt Kelly is understandably delighted with earning his certificate. He described the iDEA Award as 'a brilliant achievement that is extremely enjoyable and worthwhile'. He added," I have learned so many new skills throughout my progression through the award, such as coding skills, cyber security, setting up websites, ethics and so many more that it would take ages to list them! This award sets you up for a work environment by teaching core values and skills needed to work productively. I have benefited from the award mainly through the citizen badges which have taught me teamwork, cyber security social media and digital ethics, GDPR and how to write a brilliant personal statement. I highly recommend that everyone has a go at this award as you will learn new skills that can set you up for life, education and work!"

2Lt Baker has a final piece of advice for our cadets: "Speak to your Detachment/Company staff (through your Company Facebook group, or during online training) for more details on how to get involved in the iDEA Award. It would be great to see even more cadets taking part and benefitting from this great scheme!"

#toinspiretoachieve #armycadetforce #STEM #RFCAYH #yorksregt