Day 1
Cadets are starting to arrive at camp.
Photos and highlights from the 2nd Battalion The Highlanders Annual Camp
Cadets are starting to arrive at camp.
Cadets are now settled in and camp familiarisation completed, training now begins in ernest. Perfect warm weather for our younger cadets attending camp in Aberdeenshire. Cadets spent the first day of training with lessons on first aid, skill at arms on the scorpion air rifle, drill skills and navigation.
The warm weather continues for us. Cadets have spent the day taking part in a wide range of lessons, weapon handling and safety precautions and first aid. In preparation for the second week of camp when the fieldcraft portion will take place cadets took part in administration in the field lessons. This is to prepare them to maintain standards of personal hygiene and how to feed themselves.At the final parade of the day we had the first presentation of the week. Congratulations to Cadet Wiseman who was presented with her 1 Star Certificate. We also had a birthday on camp and a surprised Cadet Cooper Greig of our Sister Battalion 1st Highlanders was presented with a cake to mark the occasion. Happy Birthday Cooper.
This morning we woke up to a rather rainy day. All training is taking place inside due to the inclement weather. Cadets have taken part in lessons on first aid, navigation, camouflage and concealment, as well as learning how to strip down, clean and reassemble their rifles. Less than favourable weather however does not dampen the cadet spirit.
As today progressed the weather started to improve for us. Cadets are now able to do some work outside. Cadets undertook lessons on camouflage, concealment, and basha building in preparation for next week's fieldcraft exercises. Skill at Arms training continued to ready cadets for target shooting due to take place next week as well. The balance of cadets on camp continued with Cadet Information Systems training, first aid and drill skills. After lunch cadets gather on the parade square to take a group photograph of all Cadets and adults on camp.
Fun day at Boddam with tag archery today. Meanwhile the 3 Stars had a very soggy day on the ranges on Tuesday, with only a little less today when they started their 3 day Fieldcraft package at Warcop, but they aren't letting a"little" rain hold them back, after all skin is waterproof
Today the cadets at Boddam set off to join their colleagues at Warcop today. Sorry the photographer was away early to Warcop so no photographs today.
The rain and drizzle continues at Warcop but the cadets of 2 Highlanders refuse to let the driech weather dampen their spirits. Today our 1 Star cadres enthusiastically participated in foot drill, air rifle shooting, marksmanship lessons and were tested on their military knowledge. Members of our 1 Star Advanced Cadre were meanwhile transported out into the camp's training area to put their fieldcraft knowledge into practice. They spent the afternoon applying cam cream, handling weapons, putting up bashes and learning how to defend their harbour area.
1 Star Cadets are welcomed to Warcop Training Centre by 1 Highlanders CEO Major Jim Stout on Sunday evening after the long drive down from Boddam CTC.
When asked earlier this week what they like most about the Army Cadet Force, one junior cadet replied 'discipline'! There was plenty of that passion on display this morning as the cadets of 2 Highlanders marched smartly through camp to the muster parade where they were addressed by Lt Colonel Martin, the Deputy Commandant of 1 Highlanders.
After breakfast a fresh cadre of 1 Star Cadets from 2 Highlanders went out into the field. There adult volunteers from 1 and 2 Highlanders and 1 Highlanders Staff Cadet CSM Danni Crehan instructed cadets on how to move with weapons, defend obstacles and set up a harbour area.
As well as spending a night out in the field, this week our 1 Star Cadets are getting their first taste of stalking. Here a section of cadets camouflage themselves and get several minutes to try to sneak up on another section who are acting as observers. If the observers spot what they suspect is the 'enemy', they must relay precise directions to an adult below their vantage point to locate said 'enemy'. One of the many fun ACF activities that help build teamwork
Back at camp our 3 Star Cadets spent this morning stuffing their rucksacks with expedition gear, including maps, compasses, whistles, sleeping bags, tents, stoves and water-proof clothing (making sure that the latter was easily accessible!). ACF expedition staff then drove them to the remote Bents Farm near Newbiggin-on-Lune for a two-day navigation exercise. Once they had erected their tents, cadets cooked their standard British Army ration pack lunches. They then set off into the surrounding hills to hone their map and compass-reading skills. All found their way back to base camp, if a little damp.
Throughout this week 1 Star cadets from 2 Highlanders have been participating in exhilarating blank firing exercises where a pair of ‘enemy’ adult volunteers simulate an attack and the cadets must react to fire control orders given by an adult instructor on their side. In some cases it will be the first time the cadets have fired the A2 Cadet Rifle in the field. Our exercise conducting officers SMI Haley and SI Tough (pictured) have been kindly assisted by a small and very friendly team of regulars from 4 Scots.
Cadets and adults from 2 Highlanders pictured Thursday morning as they prepared to leave Warcop for Germany on Ex VENTURER BAVARIA 24. Earlier this year twelve lucky cadets from across our Battalion were selected to go to the southern German state on a week-long expedition, which will include mountaineering, rafting and a visit to Baron Bomburst’s Castle of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang fame. This exciting opportunity was made possible by the generosity of the Army Cadet Charitable Trust (ACCT) and the Ulysses Trust. Gute Reise Kameraden und viel Spaß!
More on their trip as the news comes in from Bavaria.
For those of us left in camp the big cleanup begins in order to ensure everything is spick and span for camp handover tomorrow morning.
And so it’s time for our cadets and adults to hit the road again. Thanks to all for being such willing subjects. More pictures will follow soon once our photographer has recharged his batteries following yesterday’s battalion photo.