SSI Debbie Callaghan, County PRO Greater Manchester ACF
Five of Greater Manchester ACF amazing adult volunteers are currently walking 100km to raise money for two charities. Not only do they freely give their time to volunteer with the Army Cadets they are today taking on a gruelling 100km walk to raise money for two great charities. Royal British Legion and Young Minds.
Capt Chris Townson, SI Fiona Shorthouse, SI Alex Vargas, SI Sean Crompton and SI AK Crockett are walking 100km from Manchester Cenotaph to the National Memorial Arboretum which coincides with today being the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion.
They will walk from start to finish, only taking breaks for food and water along the way. The group set off at 6am this morning where they will make their way to the first fill-up point to meet their support vehicle, who will stay with them throughout their long journey. Here they will meet with another of our two amazing adult volunteers, SI Christine Berry and SMI Ian Mackie.
The end plan is to arrive at the final destination, the National Memorial Arboretum, around lunch time tomorrow. Meaning they will be walking through the night. Estimating that the journey will take approximately 33 hours.
The group believe that 2020 was a difficult year for many, that without doubt has affected the mental health of almost everyone and young people are not an exception to this. So, in addition to raising funds for the Royal British Legion, the funds they raise will also be supporting Young Minds Trust.
So far, they have raised over £2200! Well done to them all and Good luck in raising a lot more for both these amazing charities.
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